I'd totally allow myself to be stranded on an island if I ended up that ripped and tan...
Belonging to Twitter has provided me with near-immediate answers to questions, especially from +Alice Keeler whenever I've had questions about using her awesome Google Spreadsheets. I participated in a few Twitter chats about middle school math and standards based grading that have given me great resources for my master's project as well as help to just make my classes better on a daily basis.
Through Twitter I feel like I grow a little bit each day. I know who I can reach out to for help or guidance, I know that I can be part of a live discussion practically on-demand. At most I have to wait 6 days until the next time my #sbgchat or #msmathchat will be online and firing off ideas faster than I can keep up. I wish I had been cool enough back in my San Francisco days to have realized the wealth of information at my fingertips by being a connected educator.
And in case you're bored, go on Twitter and type in #castaway. I guarantee there will be recent posts (like within the last few hours recent) of people watching it and being super emotional about Wilson. Here's a peek: