Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Week 1: Photo Sharing Continued

Second Site/Tool: Picasa (link to my slideshow)
Verdict: I LOVE Google, but I absolutely hate this product. Maybe I was missing some important instructions but I found Picasa to be clunky and could not get it to do what I wanted it to do. I spent over an hour making this slideshow (had to make it more than once) and I still don't think it's anything extraordinary. I also had to download something to my desktop to be able to create the slideshow and embed it. I'm still trying to work out the embed code...

Third Site/Tool: Photobucket (link to my slideshow)
My Verdict: Easy to use and easy to find the embed code. The code, however, does not show up in Google Sites and I've had trouble getting the slideshow to show up here as well.

Week 1: Presentation Tools "5 Facts about Geocaching!"

Below are 3 different Web 2.0 tools for creatively sharing information (presentations).

First Tool: Smore (link to flyer
Verdict: This isn't a "presentation" per se but it creates pretty awesome digital flyers. I like it! I think this is a great tool students could use to make something similar to an infographic (just a lot less data on these). It was easy to share and embed.

Second Tool: Slideshare (link to presentation
Verdict: This tool was easy to use, especially if you already have PowerPoint. You simply create your presentation and then upload it to the website. It provides an embed code which doesn't seem to work within Blogger. I did not have success with the video playing from within the Slideshare.

Third Tool: Popplet (link to my popplet
Verdict: This was easy to put together but I don't find it visually interesting or appealing. Perhaps if I paid for the full version it would be better but I didn't find this to be something I'd use for myself or with students. There was an embed code but it hasn't actually worked.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Week 1: Photo Sharing

First Site/Tool: Flickr
Verdict: I was finally able to embed this "slideshow" that you have to click through and my hilarious captions don't show up. Not sure if I would recommend this site for slideshow purposes.